Publications from Dr. Dorota Wojtczak
- Jagher, R., Al-Nahar, M., Abu Ghaneimeh, K., Hourani, F., Samawi, O., Le Tensorer, J.-M., Wojtczak, D. (2024) The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: Final Report on the 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022, and 2023 Seasons. Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinische Stiftung für archäologische Forschungen im Ausland SLSA, Jahresbericht 2023, 303-359.
- Vidal-Matutano, P., Palomo, A., Pardo-Gordó, S., Wojtczak, D., Rodríguez Rodríguez, A., Carballo-Pérez, J., Brito-Abrante, I., Melián, K. (2024) Shaping wood in the Canary Islands: First experimental dataset focused on tool marks of Prehispanic wooden artifacts. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 57, 104661.
- Wojtczak, D., Müller, H. (2023) Galets et os – Des outils pour tanner? Étude fonctionnelle d’artefacts en pierre et en os. In: O. Presset, S. Bosse Buchanan, D. Burdet, D. Castella, J. Debard, I. Liggi Asperoni, C. Martin Pruvot, H. Müller, N. Reynaud Savioz, A. Schenk, A. Spühler, D. Wojtczak, Ö. Akeret, N. Garnier, L. Wick, L’insula 3 d’Avenches/Aventicum du Ier au début du IIe siècle après J.-C.: structures d’habitat et dispositif artisanal de cuves et de canaux 101–347. Bulletin de l’Association Pro Aventico (bpa) 62-2021/2022, 288-299 u. 336-347.
- Gross, E., Errera, M., Pétrequin, A-M., Pétrequin, P., Wojtczak, D., und Huber, R., (2023) Eine Zuger Komödie der Irrungen: Neues zur altbekannten jungsteinzeitlichen Beilklinge Typ Zug aus Gotthard-Serpentinit. (Teil 2): Gestaltung, Rohmaterial und kultureller Kontext. Tugium 39/2023, 77-86; 197-212.
- Wojtczak, D., (2023) L’étude tracéologique sur deux os de mammouth, Mutzig 2022 in Koehler, E. and Wegmüller, F. Mutzig, Bas-Rhin, « Rain » Boulevard Clémenceau. Rapport final de fouille programmée 2020-2022, pp. 263-268.
- Jagher, R., Wojtczak, D., Al-Nahar, M., Abu Ghaneimeh, K., Hourani, F., Al Shoubaki, S., Samavi, O., Dabash, B., Kündig, R., Warburton, M., Kübler, S., Stoll, S., Simoni, C. (2023) The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: Preliminary Report of the 2022 Field Season. Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinische Stiftung für archäologische Forschungen im Ausland SLSA, Jahresbericht 2022, 181-198.
- Marquet, J.-C., Freiesleben, T.H., Thomsen, K.J., Murray, A.S., Calligaro, M., Macaire, J.-J., Robert, E., Lorblanchet, M., Aubry, T., Bayle, G., Bréhéret, J.-G., Camus, H., Chareille, P., Egels, Y., Guillaud, É., Guérin, G., Gautret, P. Liard, M., O'Farrell, M., Peyrouse, J.-B., Thamó-Bozsó, E., Verdin, P., Wojtczak, D., Oberlin, C., Jaubert, J. (2023) The earliest unambiguous Neanderthal engravings on cave walls: La Roche-Cotard, Loire Valley, France. PLoS ONE 18(6): e0286568.
- Wojtczak, D., (2022) More than blades. Early Middle Palaeolithic of the Levant. L’Anthropologie 126-3; 103046.
- Jagher, R., Wojtczak, D., al-Nahar, M., Abu Ghaneimeh, K., Hourani, F., Le Tensorer, J.-M. (2022) The first Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: The 2015, 2016, and 2018 Surveys. In: F. Balaawi, P. P. Creasman, Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, XIV, Part 1, Amman, 1-26.
- Osipowicz, G., Orłowska, J., Kuriga, J., Bieniek, A., Chlachula, D., Huisman, J., Müller, H., Müller, T., Orsi, M., Rudolphie, M., Simoni, C., Smit, S., Wojtczak, D., (2022) Reconstructing prehistoric boats: A report on two experiments carried out during the first International Camp of Experimental Archaeology, Toruń 2021. In: M. Mărgărit, A. Boroneanţ (Eds.), Recreating artefacts and ancient skills: from experiment to interpretation, Târgovişte 2022, 43-62.
- Wojtczak, D., (2022) More than blades. Early Middle Palaeolithic of the Levant. L’Anthropologie 126-3. (in press).
- Wojtczak, D. and Malinsky-Buller, A., (2022) The Levantine Early Middle Palaeolithic in retrospect – reassessing the contribution of Abou-Sif to the understanding of Palaeolithic record. Archaeological Research in Asia 30: 100366.
- Wojtczak, D., (2022) Tools and technique used in working the Inscription on the greenschist found in Septimerpass in W. Zanier, Das römische Militärlager auf dem Septimerpass in Graubünden (Schweiz). Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 70, München (in press).
- Wojtczak, D., (2021)Traceological analysis of stone and bone artefacts. In: Wegmüller, F. Der Abri Unterkobel bei Oberriet. Ein interdisziplinärer Blick auf 8000 Jahre Siedlung und Umweltgeschichte im Alpenrheintal. Archäologie im Kanton St. Gallen 3; pp. 129-149.
- Wegmüller, F., Affolter, J., Akeret,Ö., Bailon, B., Brönnimann, D., André C. Colonese, Oliver E. Craig, Simone Häberle, Irka Hajdas, Monika Oberhänsli, Harry K. Robson, Jörg Schibler, Martin P. Schindler, Angela Schlumbaum, Barbara Stopp, Nigel Thew, Wojtczak, D., (2021) Chapter XIX Synthese. In: Wegmüller, F. Der Abri Unterkobel bei Oberriet. Ein interdisziplinärer Blick auf 8000 Jahre Siedlungs und Umweltgeschichte im Alpenrheintal. Archäologie im Kanton St. Gallen 3; pp. 357-359.
- Müller, H., Deschler-Erb, S. and Wojtczak, D., (2021) Roman Bone Artefacts – First Steps Towards a New Approach, EXARC Journal Issue 2021/4.
- Deschler-Erb, S., Müller, H. and Wojtczak, D., (2021) De l’expérimentation à l’étude : Le potentiel de la tracéologie pour l’étude du petit mobilier romain en os. In : C. Leger, St. Raux, Des objets et des hommes. Etudes offertes à Michel Feugère. Monographies Instrumentum 71. Drémil-Lafage 2021, 413-424.
- Burcet, T.; Wojtczak, D; Kohler, H., (2021) From the Stone to the Man: Creation and application of an experimental use-wear reference corpus on Phtanite. Poster presented on Rock and Roll: 13th International Symposium on Knappable Materials, 4-7 octobre 2021, Tarragone (ES). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32159.28321.
- Wojtczak, D., (2021). Expérimentation : Ecorcher et découper un chevreuil à l’aide des outils en pierre, Mutzig 2020 in Koehler, E. and Wegmüller, F. Mutzig, Bas-Rhin, « Rain » Boulevard Clémenceau. Rapport de fouille intermédiaire programée 2020, pp. 128-132.
- Wojtczak, D., and Jagher, R., (2020) Settlement dynamic of open-air sites in the Late Lower and Early Middle Paleolithic: surface survey from the left bank of Jordan Valley. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences:1-22.
Link zum online-Paper:
- Jagher, R., Wojtczak, D., Al-Nahar, M., Hourani, F., Abu Ghaneimeh, K., Sanson, A., Al Shoubaki, S., Stabellini, F., Jaskulski, Ph., A, Kübler, S., (2019) The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: Report of the 2018 Season. SLSA, Ed. Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad, 367-401. ISBN 978-3-9524771-2-0.
- Alnajjar, M. and Wojtczak, D., (2019) From the east or the west? Blade production in the Levant and northwest of Europe during the Middle Pleistocene. Poster-EEA Conference, Bern 2019; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35583.36003
- Wojtczak, D. and Kerdy, M., (2018) They left traces. Preliminary analyses of micro-wear traces on bone and antler tools from Sutz-Lattrigen Aussen, Lake Bienne, Switzerland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17, 798-808.
- Wojtczak, D. and Demidenko, Y. E., (2018) Small artefacts for special activity? A better understanding of the variability within the Hummalian industry through lithic refitting, Hummal, Syria. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20: 135–157.
- Wojtczak, D. and Le Tensorer, J.-M., (2018) The Long Palaeolithic Sequence of Hummal (Central Syria). In: Abdul Massih, J. and Nishiyama, S. (Eds.), Archaeological Explorations in Syria 2000-2011. Proceedings of ISCACH Beirut 2015, 179-189; Archeopress Archaeology, Oxford. Open access.
- Wojtczak, D. and Marquet, J.-C., (2018) Functional studies of stone tools from the Mousterian site of La Roche-Cotard in Langeais (Indre-et-Loire, France). Preliminary result. Poster-AWRANA Conference, Nice 2018, Beyond Use-Wear Traces: About Tools and People. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14152.16646
- Wojtczak, D., Al Najjar, M., Jagher, R., Elsuede, H., Wegmüller, F., Otte, M. (Eds) (2017) Vocation Préhistoire. Hommage à Jean-Marie Le Tensorer. ERAUL 148, Liège. ISBN: 978-2-93-0495-34-7.
- Wojtczak, D. and Ismail-Meyer, K., (2017) Palimpsests and Palaeolithic living floors around the well of Hummal (Syria). A taphonomical approach combining lithic and microstratigraphical analysis. In: Wojtczak, D., Al Najjar, M., Jagher, R., Elsuede, H., Wegmüller, F., Otte, M. (Eds.),Vocation Préhistoire. Hommage à Jean-Marie Le Tensorer. ERAUL 148: 367-381, Liège.
- Hager, D., Affolter, J., Wojtczak, D., (2017) New Results for the Biface from Säckingen, ‘Flühwäldchen’, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In : Wojtczak, D., Al Najjar, M., Jagher, R., Elsuede, H., Wegmüller, F., Otte, M. (Eds.), Vocation préhistoire. Hommage à Jean-Marie Le Tensorer. ERAUL 148: 145-157, Liège.
- Jagher, R., Wojtczak, D., Le Tensorer, J.-M., Al-Nahar, M., Abu Ghaneimeh K., Hourani, F., Sanson, A., Follmann, F., Lo Russo, S., Al Shoubaki, S., Le Tensorer; H., (2017) The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley –Report of the 2015 and 2016 seasons: 237-266; SLSA, Ed. Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad.
- Hager, D., Affolter, J., Wojtczak, D., (2017) New Results for the Biface from Säckingen, ‘Flühwäldchen’, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Poster-Conference: Hugo Obermaier Society 59th Annual Meeting in Aurich, April 18th - April 22nd, 2017. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28532.30085
- Jagher, R., Wojtczak, D., Le Tensorer, J.-M., (2016) El Kowm oasis, cradle of the Syrian Palaeolithic. In: Y. Kanjou/A. Tsuneki (Eds.), A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites. Archaeopress, Oxford, 11-16.
- Antolín, F., Alonso, N., Berihuete, M., Brombacher, Ch., Chondrou, D., Ertug, F., Garcia-Granero, J.J., Gonzalez-Carretero, L., Hamon, C., Heiss, A.G., Jacomet, S., Naranjo, Y., Perego, R., Procopiou, H., Steiner, B., Valamoti, S., Wojtczak, D., Wollstonecroft, M., (2016) Grütze, Bulgur, Mehl und Griess. Bericht zum internationalen Arbeitstreffen „Archäobotanische Identifikation von Getreidespeisen“ (Basel, 2./3. Uni 2015), mit einem praktischen Leitfaden zu ihrer integrativen Untersuchung. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz 99, 143-151.
- Wojtczak, D., Regert, M., Mazuy, A., Kerdy, M., Leuzinger, U., (2016) A functional analysis of some stone and bone implements from Neolithic lake dwelling sites: Arbon Bleiche 3 and Sutz Lattrigen Aussen, Switzerland. Poster-Conference Wetland Archaeology Research Project 30th Anniversary Meeting, Bradford University, UK. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20538.13761
- Wojtczak, D. (2015) Rethinking the Hummalian Industry. L’Anthropologie 119, 610-658.
- Wojtczak, D. (2015) Cores on flakes and bladelet production, a question of recycling? The perspective from the Hummalian industry of Hummal, Central Syria. Quaternary International 361: 155-177 (ed.) Barkan, R., Lemorini, C., Vaquero, M.: The Origins of Recycling: A Paleolithic Perspective.
- Wojtczak, D., Demidenko, Y., Le Tensorer, J.-M., (2014) Hummalian industry (El-Kowm, Central Syria): core-like reductions for small-sized debitage case in Levantine Middle Palaeolithic. Quartär 61:23-48.
- Wojtczak, D., (2014) Microwear analysis of the lithic assemblages associated with Lower Palaeolithic Homo Erectus remains in Nadaouiyeh Aïn Askar (Syria) and with Neolithic lake dwelling of Arbon Bleiche 3 (Switzerland) p. 4.
- Wojtczak, D., (2012) The Early Middle Paleolithic blade industry from Hummal, El-Kowm, Central Syria. PhD-Thesis, Basel University.
- Wojtczak, D., (2013) The Hummalian industry, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 18, 50-77.
- Wojtczak, D., (2012) Scratching the surface : use-wear studies in archaeology, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 16, 19-22.
- Wojtczak, D., (2012) Hummal, its discovery, initial investigation and Hummalian industry, in: Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol.16, 22-36.
- Wojtczak, D., (2011) Hummal (Central Syria) and its Eponymous Industry in ERAUL 126, The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in the Middle East and Neighbouring Regions; p. 289-307, ed. by J.-M. Le Tensorer, R. Jagher & M. Otte.
- Richter, D., Hauck, Th., Wojtczak, D., Le Tensorer J. – M., (2011) Chronometric age estimates for the site of Hummal (El-Kowm, Syria) in ERAUL 126, p. 249-261, The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in the Middle East and Neighbouring Regions; p. 289-307, ed. by J.-M. Le Tensorer, R. Jagher & M. Otte.
- Hauck, Th., Wojtczak, D., Wegmüller, F., Le Tensorer, J.-M., (2010) Variation in Lower and Middle Paleolithic land use strategies in the Syrian Desert steppe: The example of Hummal (El Kowm area). In Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age, ed. by N. J. Conard, Tübingen: Kerns Verlag.
- Wojtczak, D., (2010) The Hummalian assemblages from Sondage Sud 1, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 15, 26-27.
- Wojtczak, D. & Schuhmann, D., (2010) Trampling as a potential cause of edge attrition and the vertical dispersal of lithic artefacts in stratified layers, in: Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 15, 82-84.
- Wojtczak, D., (2008) Rapport des études effectuées sur les couches hummaliennes en août 2007, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 13, 31-36.
- Wojtczak, D., (2007) Secteur Central : Hummalien-Yabroudien, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 12, 33-41.
- Le Tensorer, J.-M., Jagher, R., Rentzel, Ph., Hauck, Th., Ismail-Meyer K., Pümpin, Ch., Wojtczak, D. (2007) Long-term Site Formation Processes at the Natural Springs Nadaouiyeh and Hummal in the El Kowm Oasis, Central Syria. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, Vol. 22, Nr. 6, p. 621-639.
- Wojtczak, D., (2006) Secteur Central : Hummalien-Yabroudien, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 11, 25-32.
- Wojtczak, D., (2005) Secteur Central : Hummalien-Yabroudien, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 10, 21-27.
- J.-M. Le Tensorer, Th. Hauck, D. Wojtczak (2005) Le Paléolithique ancien et moyen d’Hummal (El Kowm, Syrie Centrale), Światowit vol. V (XLVI), Fasc. B, p. 179-186, Pl. 45-52.
- Wojtczak, D., (2004) Hummalien, in : Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Syro-Suisse d’El-Kowm, vol. 9, 30-31.