Publikationen von Dr. Bigna Steiner


  • Steiner, B.L., Antolín, F., Soteras, R., Rottoli, M., Banchieri, D.G. (2025, 2024 in press) Isolino Virginia (Lake Varese, Italy): New Archaeobotanical Research at the Earliest Pile-Dwelling of the Circumalpine Area. In: A. Ballmer, A. Hafner, W. Tinner (eds), Prehistoric Wetland Sites of Southern Europe: Archaeology, Dendrochronology, Palaeoecology and Bioarchaeology. Cham 2024, 267-282.
  • Holguin, A., Antolín, F., Charles, M., Jesus, A., Martínez Grau, H., Soteras, R., Steiner, B.L., Stroud, E., Bogaard, A. (2025, 2024 in press) Archaeobotanical Investigations at the Mid-5th Millennium BCE Pile-Dwelling Site of Ploča Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia. In: A. Ballmer, A. Hafner, W. Tinner (eds) Prehistoric Wetland Sites of Southern Europe. Natural Science in Archaeology. Springer, Cham, 283-306.
  • Antolín, F., Brunning, R., Cooper, A., Crone, A., Jacomet, S., Jennings, B., Knight, M., O’Sullivan, A., Steiner, B. (2024) Water dwelling: a European context. In: M. Knight, R. Ballantyne, M. Brudenell, A. Cooper, D. Gibson, I. Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.) Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement: Volume 1. Landscape, architecture and occupation. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 237-276,
  • Ismail-Meyer, K., Heitz-Weniger, A., Steiner, B.L., Othenin-Girard, B. (2024) Zur Landschaftsgeschichte der Bieler Bucht während der Jungsteinzeit und Bronzezeit: Botanische und mikromorphologische Auswertungen zur Fundstelle Nidau, Seewassernutzung. Jahrbuch des Archäologischen Dienstes des Kantons Bern, 2024, 98-122.


  • Antolín, F., Jacomet, S., Soteras, R., Gerling, C., Bernasconi, S. M., Follmann, F., Hajdas, I., Jaggi, M., Jesus, A., Martínez-Grau, H., Oms, F. X., Röder, B., Steiner, B. L., van Willigen, S. (2023) An archaeobotanical and stable isotope approach to changing agricultural practices in the NW Mediterranean region around 4000 BC. The Holocene, 34(2), 239-254.
  • Steiner BL, Jacomet S, Martinoli D, Brombacher Ch (2023) Pflanzliche Reste. In: Huber R, Harb Ch (Hrsg.) Fischerhütten des frühen Jungneolithikums in Cham-Eslen (Kanton Zug). Archäologie Schweiz, Basel. Antiqua 56, 262-297.


  • Steiner, B.L., Martínez-Grau, H., Bernasconi, S.M., Gross, E., Hajdas, I., Jacomet, S., Jaggi, M., Schaeren, G.F., Antolín, F. (2022) Archaeobotanical and isotopic analyses of waterlogged remains from the Neolithic pile-dwelling site of Zug-Riedmatt (Switzerland): Resilience strategies of a plant economy in a changing local environment. PLOS ONE 17(9): e0274361.
  • Antolín, F., Martínez-Grau, H., Steiner, B.L., Follmann, F., Soteras, R., Häberle, S., Prats, G., Schäfer, M., Mainberger, M., Hajdas, I., Banchieri, D.G. (2022) Neolithic occupations (c. 5200-3400 cal BC) at Isolino Virginia (Lake Varese, Italy) and the onset of the pile-dwelling phenomenon around the Alps. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 42, 2022, 103375, .


  • Steiner BL (2020) Archaeobotanical analysis of six samples from the navigation channel of the Roman port of Lattara (Lattes, Hérault). In: Piquès G (ed.) La zone portuaire de Lattara (Lattes, Hérault). Programme de fouille 2017-2019. Année complémentaire. Rapport d’études 2020. Lattes: SRA Région Occitanie, Pyrénées Méditerranée, 179-184.
  • Antolín, F., Brombacher, C., Kühn, M., Steiner, B.L., Bleicher, N., Jacomet, S. (2020) A new look at late Neolithic plant economy from the site of Zürich-Parkhaus Opéra (Switzerland): methods, activity areas and diet. In: A. Hafner, E. Dolbunova, A. Mazurkevich, E. Pranckenaite, M. Hinz (Eds.) Settling waterscapes in Europe. The archaeology of Neolithic & Bronze Age pile-dwellings. Bern and Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 157–172.
  • Steiner BL, Alonso N, Grillas P, Jorda C, Piquès G, Tillier M, Rovira N (2020) Languedoc lagoon environments and man: Building a modern analogue botanical macroremain database for understanding the role of water and edaphology in sedimentation dynamics of archaeobotanical remains at the Roman port of Lattara (Lattes, France). PLoS ONE 15(6): e0234853.


  • Rovira N, Tillier M, Steiner BL, Delbois E (2019) Nouvelles données carpologiques sur la végétation et les activités humaines du port de Lattara. In: Piquès G (ed.) La zone portuaire de Lattara (Lattes, Hérault). Programme de fouille 2017-2019. Rapport final d’opération. Lattes: SRA Région Occitanie, Pyrénées Méditerranée, 265-281.


  • Rovira N, Steiner BL (2018) Analyse carpologique de la zone 205 (IIe s. av.-IIe s. de n. è): Nouvelles données sur la végétation et les activités anthropiques autour du chenal portuaire. In: Piquès G (ed.) La zone portuaire de Lattara (Lattes, Hérault). Rapport intermédiaire de fouille programmée. Lattes: SRA Région Occitanie, Pyrénées Méditerranée.
  • Steiner BL (2018) Aspects of archaeobotanical methodology applied to the sediments of archaeological wetland deposits. PhD thesis.
  • Antolín F, Häberle S, Jesus A, Martínez-Grau H, Prats G, Schäfer M, Steiner B (2018) The AgriChange Project: an integrated on-site approach to agricultural and land-use change in relation to climate during the Neolithic in Western Europe. The PAGES Magazine 26(1), 26-27.
  • Steiner BL, Akeret Ö, Antolín F, Brombacher C, Vandorpe P, Jacomet S (2018) Layers rich in aquatic and wetland plants within complex anthropogenic stratigraphies and their contribution to disentangling taphonomic processes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 27, 45-64.


  • Steiner BL, Antolín F, Vach W, Jacomet S (2017) Systematic subsampling of large-volume bulk samples in waterlogged sediments. A time-saving strategy or the sourcecause of a major error. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 245, 10-27.
  • Antolín F, Bleicher N, Brombacher C, Kühn M, Steiner BL, Jacomet S (2017) Corrigendum to “Quantitative approximation to large-seeded wild fruit use in a late Neolithic lake dwelling. The case study of layer 13 of Parkhaus-Opéra in Zürich (Central Switzerland)”[Quat. Int. 404 (2016) 56-68]. Quaternary International 438, Part B, 198-200.
  • Antolín F, Steiner BL, Akeret Ö, Brombacher C, Kühn M, Vandorpe P, Bleicher N, Gross E, Schaeren G, Jacomet S (2017, on-line first) Studying the preservation of plant macroremains from waterlogged archaeological deposits for an assessment of layer taphonomy. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 246, 120-145.
  • Antolín F, Brombacher C, Kühn M, Steiner BL, Jacomet S (2017) Archäobotanik (Makroreste): Untersuchungen der Flächenproben im Hinblick auf Taphonomie, Ackerbau, Sammelwirtschaft und Umwelt. In: N. Bleicher/C. Harb (Hrsg.), Zürich-Parkhaus Opéra. Eine neolithische Feuchtbodenfundstelle. Bd. 3: Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen und Synthese (Monographien der Kantonsarchäologie Zürich 50). Zürich und Egg 2017, 50-92.
  • Antolín F, Steiner BL, Jacomet S (2017) The bigger the better? On sample volume and the representativeness of archaeobotanical data in waterlogged deposits. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12: 323–333.


  • Jacomet S, Steiner BL (2016) Die Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung in Mitteleuropa über mehr als 7000 Jahre hinweg. Rezension zum Buch: P. Poschlod, Geschichte der Kulturlandschaft, Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart 2015. Bauhinia 26, 65-68.
  • Antolín F, Alonso N, Berihuete M, Brombacher Ch, Chondrou D, Ertug F, Garcia-Granero J J, Gonzalez-Carretero L, Hamon C, Heiss A G, Jacomet S, Naranjo Y, Perego R, Procopiou H, Steiner BL, Valamoti S, Wojtzak D, Wollstonecroft M (2016) Grütze, Bulgur, Mehl und Griess. Bericht zum internationalen Arbeitstreffen „Archäobotanische Identifikation von Getreidespeisen“ (Basel, 2./3. Uni 2015), mit einem praktischen Leitfaden zu ihrer integrativen Untersuchung. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz 99, 143-151.
  • Jacomet S, Ebersbach R, Akeret Ö, Antolín F, Baum T, Bogaard A, Brombacher C, Bleicher N K, Heitz-Weniger A, Hüster-Plogmann H, Gross E, Kühn M, Rentzel P, Steiner BL, Wick L, Schibler J M (2016, on-line first): On-site data cast doubts on the hypothesis of shifting cultivation in the Late Neolithic (ca. 4300-2400 cal. BC). Landscape management as an alternative paradigm. The Holocene. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616645941.
  • Antolín F, Bleicher N, Brombacher C, Kühn M, Steiner BL, Jacomet S (2016) Quantitative approximation to large-seeded wild fruit use in a late Neolithic lake dwelling. The case study of layer 13 of Parkhaus-Opéra in Zürich (Central Switzerland). Quaternary International 404, 56-68.


  • Antolín F, Steiner BL, Vach W, Jacomet S (2015) What is a litre of sediment? Testing volume measurement techniques for wet sediment and their implications in archaeobotanical analyses at the Late Neolithic lake-dwelling site of Parkhaus Opéra (Zürich, Switzerland), Journal of Archaeological Science, 61, 36-44.
  • Steiner BL, Antolín F, Jacomet S (2015) Testing of the consistency of the sieving (wash-over) process of waterlogged sediments by multiple operators. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2:310–320.


  • Steiner BL, Armbruster GFJ, Scheepens JF, Stöcklin J (2012) Distribution of bulbil- and seed producing plants of Poa alpina (Poaceae) and their growth and reproduction in common gardens suggest adaptation to different elevations. American Journal of Botany 99:2035-2044.
