Main research interests:

  • Agricultural practices and decision-making in the past, especially among smallholders during the Neolithic period (5500-2500 cal BC) in Western Europe.
  • Wild plant management in Prehistoric societies, especially during the Neolithic period, but also in the Mesolithic and Bronze Age.
  • Social organization of labour and consumption practices in the past.
  • Taphonomy, with a particular interest on (mainly charred) plant remains.
  • Gender roles in economy from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age and their effects on the health and social status of men and women.

Short CV

05.10.1983               Born in Barcelona, Spain.
2006Degree in History at the University of Barcelona (UB).
2007 - 2012Collaborator of the Archaeobotany Laboratory of the UAB (main researcher: Raquel Piqué). Archaeobotanical analyses of more than 40 sites from the Iberian Peninsula and Scotland. All periods.
Sept - Dec 2007Research grant (AGAUR).
2008D.E.A. (equivalent to MA Thesis) in Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Title: Aproximació a l’estudi de la percepció i la interacció amb l’entorn vegetal en societats caçadores recollectores i agricultores ramaderes (10,000-4,000 cal ANE).
Jun 2008 - Jun 2012PhD Grant: JAEPre (CSIC-IMF).
Jan - Jun 2010Research stay at the University of Basel.
Feb - Aug 2011Research stay at the University of Basel.
Jan - May 2012Research stay at the University of Oxford.
Jan 2013 - Dec 2017Scientific researcher at the IPAS, University of Basel.
Dec 2013Doctor degree at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. PhD title: Of cereals, poppy, acorns and hazelnuts. Plant economy among early farming societies (5500-2300 cal BC) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. An archaeobotanical approach. Web.
Apr - Dec 2017PostDoc within the ERC Project "PlantCult"
Jan 2018 - Jan 2021

SNSF Professor at the IPAS, University of Basel (see Projekte).


Prof. Dr. Ferran Antolín Tutusaus