Member of the following Scientific boards (extract):
- representative of Switzerland and Austria at the "Advisory Board" of the "International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany" IWGP (until 2013)
- since 1994 member of the "German Archaeology Institute“
- since 1996 member of the scientific supervisory board of the „Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research“ (until 2009)
- since about 1996 member of the commission for Augusta Raurica (unitl 2015)
- since 1999 member of the Swiss Commission for Quaternary Research (until 2007)
- since 2001 Co-Editor of "Vegetation History & Archaeobotany", since 2005 member of the Editorial Board (Associate Editor) (until 2017)
Curriculum Vitae
1952 | 22.10. born in Sopron/Hungary |
1959-63 | Primary School in Itingen BL/Switzerland |
1963-71 | University Entrance Diploma (Gymnasium) in Basel, Type A |
1971-79 | Studies in Botany at Basel University, minor subjects Pre- and Protohistory, Zoology and Geography; 1979 PhD (plant remains of neolithic lake shore settlements in Zurich) |
1972 | birth of my son Andreas |
since 1979 | Archaeobotanical investigations of many excavations, mainly in Switzerland |
since 1980 | Supervisor of several masters diplomas and PhD’s at Basel and other Universities |
since 1980 | Study visits at the RGZM in Mainz (M. Hopf) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim University (U. Körber-Grohne) |
1981-86 | Post-Doctoral scolarship of the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research; development of an archaeobotany research group at Basel University |
since 1986 | Lecturer for Botany and Archaeobotany at Basel University |
since 1986 | Lecturer at the universities of Berne, Freiburg i. Breisgau, Fribourg i. Ue., Strasbourg |
1987 | Identification manual "Prehistoric Cereals" published |
1988 | Postdoctoral lecture qualification at Basel University (subject Botany) |
1989 | Publication of the book "Archäobotanik am Zürichsee" (together with Ch. Brombacher and M. Dick) |
1989-92 | NF-Project "History of the cultural landscape" (31-25689.88) (2 PhD students) |
1990/91 | Collaborator of the book "Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany" (together with K.E. Behre) |
1992-1997 | Assistant Professor for "Archaeobotany" |
since 1993 | NF-Project "Ancient DNA" (31-37290.93); 1 Post Doc, 1 PhD student |
1997-2005 | Co-applicant and project-manager of the multidisciplinary NF-project 1253-063539.00/1 “The Neolithic lake shore settlement Arbon-Bleiche 3 (Kt. Thurgau, Lake Constance)” (final publication 2004). |
since 1997 | Professor for Archaeobotany at Basel University |
since 1998 | Lecturer and scientific collaborator at the Institute for Prehistory and Archaeological Science at Basel University |
1999 | Publication of a textbook for Archaeobotany (together with A. Kreuz) (Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart) |
2001 | NF-Project 100012-101585 „Karain and Öküzini caves (Turkey): Epipalaeolithic and Early neoliothic plant remains“ (1 PhD student) |
since 2002 | ELTEM-Project „Biesheim: Roman period in the Oberrhein area“ (1 PhD student) |
since 2005 | NF-Project 105312-110406/1 “Animal Fodder, Neolithic, Bronze Age” / follow up project K-13K0-117897 (until Sept. 2009) Mitwirkende am NF Projekt |
since 2007 | Contributor to the “Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science” (Jacomet 2007) (Pdf) |
2007-2013 | Co-applicant of the SNF project “Understanding wetland occupation in later prehistoric Europe” (main applicant F. Menotti, IPNA Basel University). |
since 2007 | Co-applicant of the ongoing SNF project “Ecology and economics of the neolithic lakeshore settlements in Stansstad-Kehrsiten NW at the Lake Lucerne” (main applicant Kantonale Fachstelle für Archäologie, Staatsarchiv Nidwalden). |
since 2010 | Main applicant of the SNF Project “Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Kulturpflanzenbau und Landschaft im Umkreis der Alpen. Archäobotanische Untersuchung von 2 frühbronzezeitlichen Feuchtbodensiedlungen in Norditalien (Gardasee-Region). PhD student Renata Perego. |
since 2014 | SNF Project "Formation and taphonomy of archaeological wetland deposits: two transdisciplinary case studies and their impact on lakeshore archaeology" (main applicant Ph. Rentzel, in collaboration with G. Schaeren, Zug) |

Dr. Stefanie Jacomet
Integrative Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (IPNA)
Spalenring 145
4055 Basel
ehemalige Vorsteherin Archäobotanik