Member of the following Scientific boards (extract):

  • representative of Switzerland and Austria at the "Advisory Board" of the "International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany" IWGP (until 2013)
  • since 1994 member of the "German Archaeology Institute“
  • since 1996 member of the scientific supervisory board of the „Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research“ (until 2009)
  • since about 1996 member of the commission for Augusta Raurica (unitl 2015)
  • since 1999 member of the Swiss Commission for Quaternary Research (until 2007)
  • since 2001 Co-Editor of "Vegetation History & Archaeobotany", since 2005 member of the Editorial Board (Associate Editor) (until 2017)

 Journal "Vegetation History and Archaeobotany"

Curriculum Vitae

1952         22.10. born in Sopron/Hungary
1959-63    Primary School in Itingen BL/Switzerland
1963-71    University Entrance Diploma (Gymnasium) in Basel, Type A
1971-79    Studies in Botany at Basel University, minor subjects Pre- and Protohistory, Zoology and Geography; 1979 PhD (plant remains of neolithic lake shore settlements in Zurich)
1972         birth of my son Andreas
since 1979Archaeobotanical investigations of many excavations, mainly in Switzerland
since 1980Supervisor of several masters diplomas and PhD’s at Basel and other Universities
since 1980Study visits at the RGZM in Mainz (M. Hopf) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim University (U. Körber-Grohne)
1981-86    Post-Doctoral scolarship of the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research; development of an archaeobotany research group at Basel University
since 1986Lecturer for Botany and Archaeobotany at Basel University
since 1986Lecturer at the universities of Berne, Freiburg i. Breisgau, Fribourg i. Ue., Strasbourg
1987         Identification manual "Prehistoric Cereals" published
1988         Postdoctoral lecture qualification at Basel University (subject Botany)
1989         Publication of the book "Archäobotanik am Zürichsee" (together with Ch. Brombacher and M. Dick)
1989-92    NF-Project "History of the cultural landscape" (31-25689.88) (2 PhD students)
1990/91    Collaborator of the book "Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany" (together with K.E. Behre)
1992-1997 Assistant Professor for "Archaeobotany"
since 1993 NF-Project "Ancient DNA" (31-37290.93); 1 Post Doc, 1 PhD student
1997-2005Co-applicant and project-manager of the multidisciplinary NF-project 1253-063539.00/1 “The Neolithic lake shore settlement Arbon-Bleiche 3 (Kt. Thurgau, Lake Constance)” (final publication 2004).
since 1997Professor for Archaeobotany at Basel University
since 1998Lecturer and scientific collaborator at the Institute for Prehistory and Archaeological Science at Basel University
1999         Publication of a textbook for Archaeobotany (together with A. Kreuz) (Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart)
2001         NF-Project 100012-101585 „Karain and Öküzini caves (Turkey): Epipalaeolithic and Early neoliothic plant remains“ (1 PhD student)
since 2002 ELTEM-Project „Biesheim: Roman period in the Oberrhein area“ (1 PhD student)
since 2005 NF-Project 105312-110406/1 “Animal Fodder, Neolithic, Bronze Age” / follow up project K-13K0-117897 (until Sept. 2009)
Mitwirkende am NF Projekt
since 2007 Contributor to the “Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science” (Jacomet 2007) (Pdf)
2007-2013 Co-applicant of the SNF project “Understanding wetland occupation in later prehistoric Europe” (main applicant F. Menotti, IPNA Basel University).
since 2007 Co-applicant of the ongoing SNF project “Ecology and economics of the neolithic lakeshore settlements in Stansstad-Kehrsiten NW at the Lake Lucerne” (main applicant Kantonale Fachstelle für Archäologie, Staatsarchiv Nidwalden).
since 2010 Main applicant of the SNF Project “Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Kulturpflanzenbau und Landschaft im Umkreis der Alpen. Archäobotanische Untersuchung von 2 frühbronzezeitlichen Feuchtbodensiedlungen in Norditalien (Gardasee-Region). PhD student Renata Perego.
since 2014 SNF Project "Formation and taphonomy of archaeological wetland deposits: two transdisciplinary case studies and their impact on lakeshore archaeology" (main applicant Ph. Rentzel, in collaboration with G. Schaeren, Zug)

Dr. Stefanie Jacomet
Integrative Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (IPNA)
Spalenring 145
4055 Basel
ehemalige Vorsteherin Archäobotanik
