Main research interests:
- Agricultural practices and decision-making in the past, especially among smallholders during the Neolithic period (5500-2500 cal BC) in Western Europe.
- Wild plant management in Prehistoric societies, especially during the Neolithic period, but also in the Mesolithic and Bronze Age.
- Social organization of labour and consumption practices in the past.
- Taphonomy, with a particular interest on (mainly charred) plant remains.
- Gender roles in economy from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age and their effects on the health and social status of men and women.
Short CV
05.10.1983 | Born in Barcelona, Spain. |
2006 | Degree in History at the University of Barcelona (UB). |
2007 - 2012 | Collaborator of the Archaeobotany Laboratory of the UAB (main researcher: Raquel Piqué). Archaeobotanical analyses of more than 40 sites from the Iberian Peninsula and Scotland. All periods. |
Sept - Dec 2007 | Research grant (AGAUR). |
2008 | D.E.A. (equivalent to MA Thesis) in Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Title: Aproximació a l’estudi de la percepció i la interacció amb l’entorn vegetal en societats caçadores recollectores i agricultores ramaderes (10,000-4,000 cal ANE). |
Jun 2008 - Jun 2012 | PhD Grant: JAEPre (CSIC-IMF). |
Jan - Jun 2010 | Research stay at the University of Basel. |
Feb - Aug 2011 | Research stay at the University of Basel. |
Jan - May 2012 | Research stay at the University of Oxford. |
Jan 2013 - Dec 2017 | Scientific researcher at the IPAS, University of Basel. |
Dec 2013 | Doctor degree at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. PhD title: Of cereals, poppy, acorns and hazelnuts. Plant economy among early farming societies (5500-2300 cal BC) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. An archaeobotanical approach. Web. |
Apr - Dec 2017 | PostDoc within the ERC Project "PlantCult" |
Jan 2018 - Jan 2021 | SNSF Professor at the IPAS, University of Basel (see Projekte). |

Prof. Dr. Ferran Antolín Tutusaus