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- UNESCO world heritage: 4000 Jahre Pfahlbauten
Ongoing Projects and Excavations
- Formation and taphonomy of archaeological wetland deposits: two transdisciplinary case studies and their impact on lakeshore archaeology. Swiss National Foundation Project.
- Beyond Lake Villages - Studying Neolithic environmental changes and human impact at small lakes in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
- i-bone: Isotope analysis of well dated cattle and red deer bones from Swiss Neolithic lakeshore settlements as indicator for herd management, dairying, environment and human impact. Swiss National Foundation.
- Settlement structures and dendroarchaeology of Neolithic sites at Zurich-Seefeld, Zurich- Mozartstrasse, Zurich-AKAD, Zurich-Pressehaus, Zurich-KanSan Seefeld. Archaeological Service of the Canton of Zurich and underwater archaeology and dendrochronology of the City of Zurich.
- Mobilities, entanglements and transformations in Neolithic societies on the Swiss Plateau (3900-3500 BC), Swiss National Foundation.
- Degersee, Germany: wetland sites at the periphery of the circum-alpine pile-dwellings. DFG German Research Foundation.
- Roseninsel, Lake Starnberg, Bavaria, Germany: monitoring program.