For the project "HumAnimAl" we assembled a team of excellent researchers and young academics in the field of ancient DNA (aDNA), isotopes, paleopathology, veterinary pathology, archaeozoology, and provincial Roman archaeology working at international level.

Participating organisationDepartment / LaboratoryResearcherPosition in the ploject "HumAnimAl"
Universität Basel (CH)

Integrative Prehistory and
Archaeological Science (IPAS)

PD Sabine Deschler-ErbPrincipal investigator, Archaeozoology
MSc Monika MrázPhD student, Archaeozoology
Dr. Angela SchlumbaumArchaeogenetics
Dr. Claudia GerlingStable isotopes
Universität zu Köln (D)

Institute of ArchaeologyProf. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-ErbArchaeology of the provincial Roman territories
Research Department AfricaDr. Nadine NoldeAnimal bone collection availability, Archaeozoology
Universität Göttingen (D)Institute of Anatomy and
Embryology of the University Medical Centre
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael SchultzPaleopathology
Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel (D)Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology (ICMB)Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ben Krause-KyoraArchaeogenetics
Augusta Raurica (CH)Scientific departmentDr. Debora SchmidMaterial availability, Roman archaeology
Museum Burg Linn (D)Scientific departmentDr. Jennifer MorscheiserMaterial availability, Roman achaeology